With our wide range of medicines, we are committed to providing quality cures for various kinds of diseases. At the same time, we are also motivated to continue innovating in order to offer society more effective cures for more illnesses.
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CEPTIK ®    Category : Antibiotics & Other Chemotherapeutics
Uncomplicated UTI, otitis media, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, acute bronchitis and acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis     [Detail]
CLABAT ®    Category : Antibiotics & Other Chemotherapeutics
Upper & lower resp tract infections, UTI, skin & soft tissue infections, bone & joint infections, un-complicated gonorrhoea     [Detail]
CLINIUM KAPSUL 300 MG    Category : Antibiotics & Other Chemotherapeutics
Serious infections caused by microorganisms sensitive to clindamycin eg upper resp, skin & tissue, bone infections. Infections caused by anaerobic bacteria.     [Detail]
DIFLAM    Category : Non Sterodial Anti - Inflammatory Agents (NSAIDS) & Gout Preparation
Short-term treatment of post-traumatic & post-op pain, inflammation, swelling. Adjuvant in painfully severe inflammatory ENT infections.     [Detail]
Kondisi inflamasi (Gingivitis, Perdarahan Gingiva, Retraksi Gingiva, Kantong Gingiva dan kondisi traumatis lainnya (sariawan, luka yang disebabkan oleh Protesa Lepasan atau peralatan Ortodontik, Pembersihan, ABRASI, Pencabutan gigi, Pemulihan pasca bedah, DLL) dan hal-hal tersebut kondisi penyakit di mana mukosa Gingiva membutuhkan peningkatan konsentrasi ASAM HIALURONAT.     [Detail]
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